Kerala CPM secretary MV Govindan has claimed that Malayalis are the best-dressed people in the country. Addressing a party event on Tuesday, Govindan said both the women and men of Kerala have great taste when it comes to looking good.

“Malayalis are the most beautifully dressed people in the country. Gone are the days when people here didn't bother about what they wore. Now everyone, including the poor, is selective when it comes to dressing,” said Govindan.


“Women who wear saree ensure that that their blouse matches, even the pottu (bindi), earrings, necklace and footwear have to match. Men as well, those who wear mundu (dhoti) will use one that has a colour matching the shirt.

“Earlier, people used to say communists are against people looking good. That is wrong. We have nothing against that. Communism is capable of fully absorbing modernisation. A communist keeps an open mind to accept the most modern advancements in science.


“But that is not the case in most other Indian states, where people do not have a better life,” said Govindan.