Poochakkal (Alappuzha): The demolition of the Kapico Resort at Panavalli Nediyathuruth, which was ordered to be demolished by the Supreme Court for violating the Coastal Management Act, began on Thursday.

Demolition costs are borne by the resort owners. They have contracted for the removal of the debris.


Authorities have warned that building debris should not fall into the lake and cause pollution.

Meanwhile, journalists who went to the site to report the demolition were assaulted by the resort staff.


On Wednesday, the Panavalli panchayat secretary and the district collector approved the master plan prepared by the resort owners for the phased demolition.

The building complex, spread over 5,900 square feet, has 54 villas and related facilities including swimming pools.


Two of the villas will be demolished first. The plan is to complete the demolition in six months.

In January 2020, the Supreme Court ordered the demolition of the resort built in violation of the Coastal Management Act. Demolition was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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