Thiruvananthapuram: Undeserving public too have managed to corner social security pensions in Kerala. A total of 9,600 beneficiaries of the government handouts were found to own over two acres of land. Now, the Local Self-Government Department (LSGD) has begun proceedings to remove them from the scheme.

An inquiry by the Finance Department revealed some of the beneficiaries were even receiving rubber subsidies and other benefits. The LSGD institutions will send them notice, conduct a hearing, and again verify the land documents before initiating the action. The decision of the local-self governing bodies will be crucial in this regard.

The rule stipulates that the beneficiaries of the social security pension, other than those belonging to the Scheduled Caste category, should not hold over two acres of land in their own name or that of the family.


However, it is unclear how long these beneficiaries have drawn the pension, which comes to Rs 1,600 per month. Around Rs 19 crore is needed to provide the pension to 9,600 people. Earlier, there were allegations that many ineligible persons were being made the scheme beneficiaries out of political pressure and that crores were being spent to provide pensions to them.

52.30 lakh beneficiaries

Presently, the social security pension is extended to 52.30 lakh beneficiaries in the state. The Kerala State Social Security Pension (KSSP) Limited was formed four years ago to implement the welfare fund distribution system. The KSSP raises funds through borrowings without including the same in the budget.


The state recently distanced itself from the KSSP after the CAG heavily criticized such borrowing outside the purview of the state budget.

Five types of pension

The five types of social welfare pensions are Agriculture Labour Pension, Old Age Pension, Disabled Pension scheme for mentally challenged and physically challenged persons, pension to unmarried women above 50 years, and pension to widows.