Kerala's Health Minister Veena George has claimed that the state distributed free medicines to 14 children suffering from the rare disease of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA).

"The only medicine available in India for SMA is Risdiplam. The medicines were purchased through crowd-funding and the government ensured the treatment," Minister Veena George said.


The minister said that it was the first time in the country that a state government had led the administering of medicines for the rare genetic disorder.

According to the minister 14 units were distributed to as many children with each vial costing Rs 6 lakh.


"In the first phase, it was decided to provide medicines to 21 children. The other day, two children were administered the medicine at the SAT Hospital in Thiruvananthapuram.

"For the other 12 children, it was decided to administer the medicines at Kozhikode as per their request," the minister said. The medicines were administered on Friday and Saturday at special medical camps held at the Institute of Maternal and Child Health, Kozhikode Medical College Hospital.


The minister said that an SMA Clinic has been opened at the SAT Hospital in Thiruvananthapuram.

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