Kochi: Cybersecurity expert Sai Sankar has managed to recover crucial digital files which were earlier deleted from actor Dileep's mobile phone. Sai, who is the seventh accused in the conspiracy case in which actor and his family members are accused, himself had earlier deleted them.

Sai recovered 10 files, including chats, from Dileep's phone in the midst of his interrogation on Monday after an instruction in this regard by the investigators. Earlier, the forensic lab which had scrutinised the mobile phones of the accused could not recover these files after many tries.


The retrieved files are crucial pieces of evidence, the investigators claimed.

Sai appeared before the police inquiry team around 2pm on Monday. His questioning was over by evening.


As per the case, the actor, his kin and a few aides conspired to kill a couple of cops who were part of the investigation team which handled the sensational case registered over the sexual assault of a top actress in 2017.

Sai Sankar
Sai Sankar

Anoop, Suraj to be questioned today
Meanwhile, the Crime Branch will question Dileep's brother P Anoop and brother-in-law TN Suraj on Tuesday. They were earlier given notice to report at the Aluva Police Club on Tuesday at 11 am for questioning.


Based on their questioning, the probe team will decide on whether to call Dileep's wife and actor Kavya Madhavan for questioning. Another summons could be issued to her soon.

Last time, she refused to appear before the inquiry team at the Police Club, while saying that as a witness in the case, she should not be forced to appear before the place fixed by the Crime Branch. As per legal advice, the police then postponed her questioning.