Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala government has announced more relaxations in the Covid-related restrictions with the number of daily infections keeps coming down.

Cinema halls have been allowed 100 per cent occupancy, as per a latest government order. The government has done away with the model of implementing restrictions by classifying districts into various categories on the basis of hospital admission of Covid patients.

Bars, clubs, hotels and restaurants are also allowed to have full occupancy. According to the order, maximum 1,500 people are allowed to attend public functions.


Earlier, the Film Exhibitors United Organisation of Kerala -- whose members run around 322 theatres in the state -- had challenged in high court the state government's decision to close theatres in certain areas as part of Covid restrictions.

The organisation had referred to various international studies and claimed that movie halls are safer than malls and restaurants whose operations are unaffected.

The order said the government, semi-governmental offices can hold meetings or training off-line, if required.


The restrictions at the district-level on the basis of the number of people hospitalised are also lifted.

The government had authorised the State Disaster Management Authority to divide the districts into three groups - A, B and C - based on the number of people admitted to hospitals and imposed restrictions accordingly.

As the cases showed a dip, the State administration opened schools, college and creches.

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