Kaduthuruthy: A high-voltage overhead electric cable and connecting device snapped and fell over the Thiruvananthapuram-New Delhi Kerala Express while the train was running on the Kottayam-Ernakulam route on Saturday. The overhead equipment and cable came into contact with the first to fourth compartments of the train, but no passengers suffered shock or other injuries as the power connection was cut off automatically when the cable broke.

The running train – which had an electric engine - came to a sudden stop when the power supply was cut, spreading panic among passengers. Rail traffic was also stalled in the Kottayam-Ernakulam direction on the double track for around three hours after the incident, which took place around 4 pm. However, trains passed as normal on the Ernakulam-Kottayam track.


According to authorities, the incident was caused by the abrupt breakage of the pantograph, an equipment which connects the overhead electric cable with the locomotive, due to its age. As a result, the cross bars installed on the electric post also fell over the running train.

Fire and Rescue Services personnel and the police rushed to the spot, located near Kothanalloor railway gate in Kottayam district, soon after the incident from Kaduthuruthy. The electric cables and cross bars were removed by 5 pm. A diesel engine also arrived from Ernakulam and Kerala Express resumed its journey to New Delhi by 6.45 pm.


Kochuveli-Sri Ganga Nagar Express and Kanyakumari-Bengaluru Island Express were held up at Kottayam railway station after the incident. The trains later resumed their trips after being connected with diesel locomotives.

Authorities said that repairs on the overhead power cables would be completed by Sunday afternoon.