Registration for the vaccination of teenages in the age group; 15 to 18 will begin on January 1, New Year. This was announced by health minister Veena George on Friday.

There will be online registration as well as spot registration for the vaccination. The minister said online booking was a better way to avoid long queues and crowds at vaccination centres.

Those born in 2007 or before can do online registration through smart phone or computer. They can also use the phone numbers already registered for vaccination by adult family members. For enquires call these DISHA (Direct Intervention System for Health Awareness) numbers: 104, 1056, 0471-2552056/2551056.

How to book online


Step One: Go to the link. Click on the register/sign in link found on the top of the home page, right side.

Step Two: Provide your mobile number on the page that opens. After that, click right below, on the 'Get OTP' link. An OTP number will reach the SMS of your mobile. Give the OTP number on the space allotted and click 'verify'.

Step Three: Select either Aadhar Card or School ID on the photo ID proof column. The photo ID number, the name given on the card, date of birth and sex (boy, girl, others) should be given. Then click the register button. The name will be registered

Step Four: This way, three others can also be registered using the 'add more' option.


How to take appointment for vaccination

Click on the schedule right below the registered name. On the page that pops up, provide the pincode of your place. If there is a problem, you can also search for the district.

Vaccine centres and their vacancies will be listed for all dates on the page. Pick the centre, date and time of your choice and click the 'confirm' button. The message of confirmation will appear on the page and will also reach you as an SMS message.

If for any reason you could not get the centre of your choosing, you can book the next day by entering the cowin site.


The details of registration and appointment could be edited till the vaccination happens. Also, produce the print out of the registration or the SMS message at the vaccination centre. 

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