Kumily: Water leak through the baby dam at Mullaperiyar has increased even though the water level in the main dam continues to remain at 142 feet.

The Mullaperiyar Dam comprises the 152-foot-high and 1,200-foot-long main dam, a baby dam of 240 ft x 115 ft, and an earth dam 240 ft x 20 ft.

The officials of the Water Resources Ministry in Kerala, who inspected the dam site the other day, informed the seriousness of the situation to the higher officials.

Tamil Nadu accepts the fact that the baby dam has weakened. This is the reason why it is constantly putting pressure on Kerala to allow measures to strengthen the baby dam.

Water reaches to the bottom of the baby dam when the water level in the Mullaperiyar reservoir reaches above 115 ft. Water flow through the ground level can be clearly seen now, especially after the end of the rainy season.

However, the Tamil Nadu Government's position is that the inflow of water into the dam has considerably reduced after the end of the rainy season and there is no threat to the baby dam now.

But at the same time, Tamil Nadu is still trying to get a favourable order from the Supreme Court for strengthening the baby dam since it knows well that it is in danger and it needs to be strengthened.

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