Kottayam: The police on Saturday took Abhishek, the accused in the murder of Nithinamol to the crime scene at the campus of St Thomas College, Pala.

An unemotional Abhishek was made to reenact his actions on Friday from when he confronted his estranged lover after she had finished an ongoing exam at the college.


Abhishek showed the policemen how he had attacked Nithinamol and the manner in which he slashed her neck. He was later remanded.

Premeditated murder
The police said that the murder was premeditated as the accused had bought the paper-cutter blade used to murder Nithinamol a week ago. It is being said that he had also practiced on how to attack Nithinamol.


According to the police he shared his intentions with a friend. Abhishek had also threatened Nithinamol's mother in the past. He was reportedly upset after Nithinamol had spurned him.

The post-mortem report has revealed a deep wound in the neck as the reason for the death.


Hundreds bid adieu to Nithinamol
A large gathering bid a tearful adieu to Nithinamol during the cremation held at her ancestral house at Thuruvelikkunnu, Thalayolaparambu near Vaikom.

The post-mortem was performed at the Kottayam Medical College earlier on the day. A large number of people, including colleagues and friends paid their respects to the departed.