The Kerala government has decided to completely electrify all anganwadi centres in the state. The decision was taken at a recent meeting, attended by Health, Women and Child Development minister Veena George and Power Minister K Krishnankutty.

The move to completely electrify all childcare centres is part of the plans to improve the infrastructure facilities.

There are 33,115 anganwadi centres functioning in Kerala, according to the state Social Justice Department figures.

Of them, 2,256 centres in various districts are yet to get the power supply, an official statement said. The anganwadis, which are not electrified even after the wiring works are completed, would be provided the connection on a war footing, it said.

Details of those buildings, where the wiring process was progressing, should be handed over to the Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) within one month after completing the pending works.

KSEB would allot electric post free of cost to those anganwadis, if it is necessary for its electrification process, after including them in concerned schemes.

There are 221 angandwadis which are facing fund crunch to meet the expenditure of electrification and respective village panchayats would extend them necessary support in this regard, it said.

Besides ministers, secretaries of both departments, district collectors and panchayat presidents were also among those took part in the ministerial meeting on Thursday, the statement added.


According to government figures, over 18,000 anganwadis are functioning in their own building in Kerala.

While 20,837 centres have toilet facilities, over 19,000 have cooking gas connection, it said.


(With PTI inputs)