Kollam: Malayalam TV serial actress Ambili Devi said she would proceed legally against her estranged actor-husband Adithyan Jayan, even as Chavara police registered a case of dowry harassment and for issuing death threats against him.

The actress said Jayan had harassed her without giving her consideration as a woman, wife or mother. He defamed her claiming the possession of evidence which he never had, she said while announcing her decision to go ahead with legal proceedings against Jayan.


Placing trust on the legal system, Devi said Jayan had claimed influence at the higher level, and challenged her to move against him.

Jayan had reportedly attempted to commit suicide by consuming a high dose of sleeping pills, besides slashing his wrist. Found bleeding in his car in Thrissur on Sunday, he was shifted to a government hospital.


The marital discord between Devi and Jayan has been discussed widely on social media.

Ambili accused Adithyan of cheating on her with a married woman whom he has now impregnated. Adithyan responded to this by alleging that Ambili had been in a relationship with another person until the duo got married.


Ambili Devi tied the knot for the second time with Adithyan Jayan in 2019. She was earlier married to film-serial cameraman Loval from 2009 to 2018. They had a son named Amarnath together who was born in 2013.