Kakkanad: Weeks after the disappearance of city-based businessman Sanu Mohan after the mysterious death of his daughter, the Kerala Police has decided to extend the ambit of the search. The police has constituted five more teams to carry out searches in new places, including Pune and Kolkata.

The police could not get any leads about him or his financial status so far despite collecting the call detail records of all persons close to him and other suspected persons.

A police team from Kerala will soon go to Kolkata to trace Sanu Mohan, sources say. The probe is being extended to Kolkata based on the feedback received from the police team which has been camping in Coimbatore for the past one week.

The police is also contemplating sending a team to Pune, Sanu's previous business area.

Sanu had disappeared earlier this month and within hours his daughter Vaiga's body was found dead in Muttar river in Kochi.

The investigating officials believe that Sanu had planned his disappearance from the State and Vaiga's death in advance.

Tracing of property

The police has also sought the help of the registration department to trace any property likely registered in his name in any part of Kerala.

The police move is in the wake of the information that Sanu had returned to Kerala with huge money many years ago, after committing financial fraud in Pune.

The effort being made by cops is to find out whether any land transactions had taken place in Sanu's name in the recent past.

Sanu's financial status still a mystery

The probe is also aimed at finding out the financial status of Sanu.

The police was under the impression that Sanu, who had fled from the state after Vaiga's death, did not have much money in his possession. The police expected Sanu to call his close friends or relatives demanding money.

It is also believed that Sanu might have opened a new account in some bank and transferred the entire amount before absconding from the State. The police had also examined the possibility of Sanu using his ATM card while in the hiding and checked details at several possible hideouts.

The police had also examined all new account numbers in banks, including the new-generation banks, by using Sanu's Aadhaar number, but could not find any evidence.

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