Kollam: The Kilikollur police have launched an investigation into the death of Dr Anoop Krishna (35), the owner of a private hospital. He was found dead at his home Bhadrasree, at Pratheeksha Nagar-31, in Kadapakkada on Thursday afternoon.

The police have filed a case of unnatural death. The doctor was found hanging from a fan with his wrists slit.

As part of their investigation, the police will take statements from the doctor's relatives and his hospital's employees. The police will also look into the abuse Dr Anoop Krishna and his family had faced on social media from some people. Some online media will also be within the scope of the investigation, they said.

Dr Anoop's friends had said that he had been tense for about a week before his death as allegations had been raised against him and his family on social media. He was the son of Dr Unnikrishnan and Ratheebhai.

The body was taken to the district hospital for postmortem. The funeral was conducted later.

The state committee of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) has lodged a complaint with the chief minister, the health minister, the chief secretary, the DGP and the principal secretary of the department of health, seeking an inquiry into Dr Anoop's death.

Besides political leaders, some people on social media, too, had threatened him and indulged in the character assassination of the doctor, the complaint said.

IMA state president Abraham Varghese and secretary P Gopikumar demanded that strong action should be taken to prevent such incidents from recurring and to create a peaceful working environment for doctors.


Some politicians had visited the doctor at the hospital. After this, his wife Dr Archana Biju lodged a complaint with the East police stating that Anoop was missing. The doctor was later found in Varkala.

On September 23, a seven-year-old girl Aadya S Lakshmi, a native of Pavithreswaram in Maranad, who had undergone a surgery at the hospital owned by Dr Anoop to treat a curvature in the leg, had died of heart attack.

The girl's relatives had lodged a complaint with the police seeking to know the cause of death and had tried to protest in front of the hospital with the body.

The doctor was found dead while the police were investigating this case.


Aadya Lakshmi's post-mortem report has not yet been made available. It will be released only after the results of the chemical test are received.

The police have seized the medical records and CCTV footage from the hospital.