Mohanlal condemns paranoia over COVID-19
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I was disheartened to read about an Italian who had to spend the night at the graveyard as he was denied accommodation by hotels. I was further dismayed when I read about an Argentine woman who was left stranded on the road despite booking a room at a hotel in Thiruvananthapuram.
None of them are carriers of the dreaded disease. They spent a chunk of their earnings to visit our land. We have told them over and over again that our state is God's Own Country. They came here, trusting our words.
We have a system to identify infected people. But throwing out guests on to the streets is not in our culture. How would it be if any of our dear ones were stranded on the street in a foreign country, without even knowing the language?
Another disheartening piece of news was that a person, who quarantined himself after returning from abroad, was locked up in the flat by neighbours. Some say that people are stooping to such behaviour due to their fear. There is no guarantee that those who locked up that poor man will not get infected in any other way as they are also roaming the streets.
None can put a stop to this in a moment. Even wealth will not guard a person against contracting the viral infection.
Therefore, this is the time to stand united in spirit as we did earlier while braving the massive floods. Even when appeals are made to keep social distancing and avoid gatherings, we should not lock out people from our minds.
Not everyone who has been staying indoors is infected. They choose to be under the 14-day quarantine for the well-being of our society. Can we stop them if they were to 'flee' their rooms and mingle with the society? To what extent can we stop if the infected among them transmit the virus? Therefore, we should acknowledge that those who are under isolation is doing so for our good.
There is a very large community of doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff along with the police and ambulance drivers, who are taking care of those in quarantine. They are virtually putting up a human shield of safety and ensuring that the virus does not get transmitted to the people.
Those who are ‘securing themselves’ by throwing out foreigners and washing their hands with sanitisers should think about the efforts made by this community. It would be an understatement to call their acts as a sacrifice. They are ready to face all the consequences. They are not doing this for themselves, but for you and me.
Even the places of worship have been shut. We need to make silent prayers now, not for ourselves but for our land because one individual alone cannot escape this predicament.
The Asha and Kudumbashree workers, who take food to the isolated people, are helping this land even in the time of crisis. I am proud to say that I live in this land of such brave-hearts.
At this time we should reach out to those who are under quarantine.
We should remember that those who are being alienated and thrown out also have dreams, similar to our own. Each of us should be able to say that we are also with the isolated people in spirit.
Once the days of COVID-19 are over, we would be back to hugging our dear ones and sharing our food.
I still remember the eyes of a woman cleaning the hospital in a blue protective clothing. That woman in blue attire is my saviour. We need to bow our heads before them.