Mumbai: Popular daily Malayala Manorama has 1.78 crore readers as per the Indian Readership Survey (IRS) for the third quarter of 2019. The newspaper has also widened its lead with the second-leading Malayalam daily by 51.76 lakh readers.

Manorama also maintained its top position as the vernacular newspaper with the largest Average Issue Readership (AIR) in the country. Manorama is the only non-Hindi daily in the top five in this category.

The average number of readers for one copy of the Manorama newspaper is more than the combined number of all the other Malayalam dailies.

Two out of three newspaper readers in Kerala opt for Manorama.

Manorama is the only Malayalam daily among the top-10 newspapers in India.

Around 53.81 per cent of the Manorama readers fall into the A and B categories of the New Consumer Classification System (NCCS). About 38.02 per cent of the readers are in the 12-29 age group.

At least 80 per cent of Malayali readers read at least one Manorama publication.

Manorama publications are also at six of the top-10 spots in the Average Issue Readership for vernacular publications. These are Vanitha, Fasttrack, Thozhil Veedhi, Balarama, Karshakasree, and Malayala Manorama weekly.

The IRS report is prepared by the Media Research Users Council (MRUC) that accurately conducts a study on print media readership in the country. 

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