Thiruvalla: A reclusive bird locally known as 'chuvanna nelli kozhi' will now be the signature bird of the Thiruvalla Municipal Corporation.

The bird, chestnut bittern, was spotted in the bushes near the paddy fields at Kattukara by bird watchers. As many as 108 different species of birds, including 20 species of migratory birds and 4 species of endangered birds, were found in the corporation limits.


Twenty-four bird watchers worked for four years to document the details.

The Forest Department, Agriculture University and Bird Count India joined hands in spotting birds in select areas under the local self-government institutions in various districts, and released posters on their findings. Thiruvalla Corporation topped the list in the Pathanamthitta district.

Forest Minister K Raju released the poster and was received by Corporation chairman Cherian Polachirackal, and bird watchers Anish Sasidevan and Hari Mavelikkara.

Read more Pathanamthitta News

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