Sabarimala: The authorities have banned night travel along the Karimala path after wild elephants started posing a threat to pilgrims. Most of the elephants seen near Illavungal and Nilakkal are dangerous, said Forest Department officials. The problem of elephants is most acutely felt at Urakkuzhy, Pandithavalam, Planthode, Illavungal, Plappally, Laha, Pullumedu and Valiyanavattom.

On the main path used by pilgrims, elephants often venture on to the road between Nilakkal and Laha after nightfall.

Pilgrims who are heading to the temple by foot take the Karimala route. They are now stopped at Azhutha after 1 pm so as to avoid pilgrims from reaching the road between Azhutha and Pamba after 5 pm. Forest officials directed pilgrims to spend the nights in some shops along the way if they reach the area after 5 pm.


During the last few days, wild elephants were most frequently noticed at Illavungal, Nilakkal, Laha and Chalikkuzhi.

At Illavungal, an elephant strolls along the road every day. Forest officials said that it was a dangerous lone tusker. This has made police and Motor Vehicles Department (MVD) officials on duty in the area anxious. Illavungal is a major observation point of the police as well as the safe zone central office of MVD. As a result, a large quantity of food waste is generated in the area and it gets dumped in the nearby forest.

According to forest officials, it is this food waste that is attracting elephants to the area.


The garbage generated at Nilakkal, the main base camp of the Sabarimala pilgrimage, is piled up near the incinerator. However, the entire waste cannot be burnt every day. This leaves a significant amount of untreated materials at the spot which lures wild elephants who search for food. On some days, these elephants invade the parking area also.


The police and forest departments are on high alert. Forest officials have demanded that pits should be dug around the waste materials to check the elephant menace. Work has stared for the purpose.

Elephant squad

Elephant squads which are trained to scare the elephants away are stationed at Pullumedu, Sannidhanam, Pamba, Plappally and Laha. There are plans to deploy the squads at Mukkuzhi and Valiyanavattom also.

If elephant herds are noticed on the road, the control room may be alerted. The elephant squads will reach the spot and scare the elephants into the forest. Officials will reach any place on the pilgrim route where wild animals apart from elephants are seen. They have the authority to use tranquilizers if needed.

Control rooms

Control rooms of the forest department are functioning at Pamba and Sannidhanam where 40 officials are on duty. Phone numbers: Pamba – 0473 5203492. Sannidhanam –0473 5202077. Pilgrims can contact these numbers even if they lose their way in the forest.

Squads have been deployed at Urukkuzhi, Pandithavala and Kunnar dam, apart from other places.

Elephant paths

There are around 20 elephant paths between Laha and Pamba, but only 12 have been marked with display boards. Drivers have been asked to exercise caution along this road, especially near bends at night.


Things to remember

1) Stop the vehicle at least 100 m away from the wild elephant if it is seen on the road.

2) If the elephant is less than 50 m away, it may attack.

3) Switch off all lamps of the vehicle and allow the elephants to pass.

4) Move the vehicle again only after ensuring that the animals have entered the forest.

5) Pilgrims walking along the Karimala and Pullumedu paths should never leave the trekking path and venture into the forest.

6) Take each step after carefully watching the surroundings.

7) Never dump food waste in the forest.

8) Do not dispose plastic in the forest.


9) If a wild animal crosses the path, do not disturb it.

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