Thiruvananthapuram: The Public Works Department (PWD) has launched a new app which will help the public to inform the authorities about damaged roads anywhere in Kerala. Water-logging, potholes etc. can be brought to the attention of the authorities.

The app, named ‘PWD fix-it’ can be downloaded from Play Store.


Department officials said that action will be taken to repair roads damaged during the recent floods based on the information provided by people. People should click photos of the damaged roads and tag it to the app. Repair works will start as soon as possible, said an official. The complaints received through the app will be intimated to the respective assistant engineers and executive engineers by e-mails and messages.

The officials concerned are supposed to take quick action. They will be given a separate ID to log in to the website dedicated for the purpose. The app was designed by HubSpire under the supervision of PWD’s electronics wing.


How to use the app

After downloading the app from Google Play Store, check for the ‘report’ option on the right side. Select it and click on the ‘add complaint’ option. Click again and add details regarding the damaged road as well as upload its photo.


The app is now available only on Play Store, but iOS users can also download it soon.

The user-friendly app quickly conveys the complaint to the respective engineer by geo-tagging. At present, the focus of the app is on filling potholes, but it will soon incorporate features to address issues like dysfunctional traffic signals, obstructions to traffic on roadsides, dangerously overhanging tree branches and clogged drains, among others. According to officials, another aim of introducing the app is to develop a safe and secure traffic culture in the state. 

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