60 additional seats for women in IIM-K from next year

60 additional seats for women in IIM-K from next year

Kozhikode: The Indian Institute of Management here (IIM-K) will create 60 additional seats for women in its postgraduate programme in management (PGP) from the next academic year.

Selection to these seats for women will be based on a separate application and process to identify exceptional performers with potential for leadership positions in the industry.

The institute will adhere to the prevailing reservation norms for socially disadvantaged communities, an official release stated.

IIM-K director Debashis Chatterjee said that the affirmative action is in line with IIM-K's legacy of enabling increased participation of women in leadership positions in the industry and the community.

The institute had earlier pioneered a bold initiative to increase the number of women in its academic programme, which started with an unprecedented 30 per cent women admitted to the batch in 2010.

This had increased to 54 per cent in 2013.

Subsequently, all IIMs followed suit, thereby substantially increasing the opportunities for women in the national institutions.

Chatterjee said that he hoped this initiative would also help to attract some of the brightest talents to IIM-K campus.

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