


Last Updated Thursday November 19 2020 09:22 PM IST

Jesna hopes dim, unclaimed bodies under scanner

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Jesna probe team scours records of unidentified bodies  Kottayam girl Jesna disappeared on March 22 as she was travelling to her paternal aunt's place in Mukkoottuthara.

Pathanamthitta: A police team hunting for missing college girl Jesna Maria James case is examining records of several unidentified bodies found in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Goa during the past three months. The move has been prompted by the growing suspicion that Jesna's life could have been endangered.

The police team is verifying data about the bodies with the assistance of the crime records bureau. Information would be collected from other states as well, apart from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Goa.

Three bodies have already been examined.

The investigators had made it clear that all possibilities are being probed in the case. The Kerala police has been blamed for not taking up the case seriously at the onset. It is held that evidence could have been destroyed because of such a lapse. The probe team itself has also taken such a view.

The investigators had questioned Jesna's male friend and her father over a dozen times each. The police had earlier confirmed that Jesna's last message before disappearance had gone to this friend. A classmate whom Jesna had called finally before she went missing was also interrogated.

The police themselves are confused that several people are under the shadow of suspicion.

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