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Last Updated Thursday November 19 2020 09:11 PM IST

'CI looked on as Kerala MLA Ganesh Kumar beat up youth'

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CI looked on as Kerala MLA Ganesh Kumar beat up youth Ganesh Kumar assaulted the youth and insulted his mother for not giving way to the MLA's car.

Anchal, Kollam: A circle inspector of police (CI) was a passive witness when the legislator from Pathanapuram - Ganesh Kumar - assaulted a youth in public and grabbed his mother's hand, according to latest details emerging about the case. Interestingly, it is the biased onlooker CI, Mohandas of Anchal, who himself is investigating the case now.

Ananthakrishnan, 20, sustained injuries and his mother Sheena was subjected to physical and mental abuse, but the MLA has been charged under mild provisions. Fresh details expose the attempt made by the police to save the offender and harass the victim.

The youth was assaulted by the MLA and his driver for not giving way to their car. According to the confidential statement Sheena has given in the court, the CI had come out of his nearby rented house as he heard noises in the street.

Local people say that the officer tried to rescue Ganesh and his driver from the place as a crowd gathered. He reportedly did not make any effort to prevent the attack. At the same time, it is alleged that Mohandas tried to prevent Ananthakrishnan from recording the MLA's assault on his cell phone.

Ganesh and the driver left the spot as local people gathered. The CI also vanished.

Ananthakrishnan lodged a complaint with the CI an hour after the attack at 1.30 pm, but a case was filed only four hours later. At the same time, a case was filed against the victim 45 minutes earlier on a complaint from Ganesh Kumar.

The CI initially said Ganesh Kumar's complaint was received by fax. Later he changed it, saying that a staff member of the MLA's office directly filed the complaint at the police station.

The officer backed out on realising that the issue was snowballing, and soon issued a notice to Sheena asking her to give a statement in court. The case will now proceed on the basis of her statement to the court.

Read more: Latest Kerala news

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