


Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 06:17 AM IST

Probe panel clears RCC of lapses in Dr Mary Reji death

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Dr Mary Reji The doctor died of cancer of the spleen while undergoing treatment at RCC on March 18: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: The panel that probed the death of Dr Mary Reji while she was under treatment for cancer of the spleen at the Regional Cancer Centre (RCC) has ruled out any lapses on the part of the hospital.

In its report, the panel said that the patient was offered all possible treatment even at the advanced stage of her ailment and all official procedures have been followed.

The doctors who had treated her asserted that the patient was in a very critical stage when she arrived for treatment and there was no lapse on their part.

Following complaints from Dr Mary's husband RCC had set up a panel to probe the death.

The panel headed by additional director has ruled out any lapses on the part of the hospital.

The probe report has been submitted to the Health Secretary.

Dr Mary Reji, who was undergoing treatment for cancer at RCC died on March 18.

Her husband Dr Reji had alleged that it was medical negligence and lapses on the part of the doctors at RCC that led to the death of his wife.

He had alleged that post a surgery the standard of care had dropped and lapses, though pointed out to the doctors were ignored.

Dr Reji had also said that he would take legal action against RCC.

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