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Last Updated Friday November 20 2020 02:40 AM IST

Abhaya case: Verdict on discharge pleas Wednesday

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Fr Thomas Poothrikkayil, Fr Thomas Kottoor and Sister Sephy The discharge pleas were moved by Fr Thomas Kottoor, Fr Jose Poothrukkayil and Sister Sephy.

Thiruvananthapuram: The pronouncement of the verdict on the discharge pleas filed by the accused in the Sister Abhaya murder case has been postponed to Wednesday by the Thiruvananthapuram CBI court.

The discharge pleas were moved by Fr Thomas Kottoor, Fr Jose Poothrukkayil and Sister Sephy. The CBI arrested the three in November 2008 on the basis of circumstantial evidence and Narco tests. After a remand of one-and-a-half months, they were given bail by the high court.

After six months, the CBI charged the three with murder, destruction of evidence and other charges. The three then filed discharge petitions, alleging that the charges were fabricated.

The CBI argued that circumstantial evidence is against them and claimed that it will get more proof once the hearing starts and the accused are examined.

If the petitions are rejected, the case will enter the trial stage. If they are not, then the three won't be the accused in the case. The CBI court is planning to deliver its judgement after putting it off twice.

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