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Last Updated Thursday November 19 2020 09:01 AM IST

Shuhaib murder: eyewitnesses identify two accused in police custody

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Shuhaib murder: eyewitnesses identify two accused in police custody Akash Thillankeri and Rajin Raj | File Photo

Kannur: Two suspects in the sensational murder of a Congress activist in Kannur have been identified by eyewitnesses, lending credibility to the police claim that they had got the real culprits.

Rajin Raj and Akash Thillankeri, accused of hacking to death Youth Congress leader Shuhaib at Matttannur, have been pointed out by Noushad and Riyaz in the identification parade held at the Kannur special sub-jail. Congress leaders had earlier said that the suspects were decoys to let the real murderers walk away.

The police have intensified the search for the other three members of the gang which targeted Shuhaib after a series of violent confrontations between workers of the CPM and the Congress in the area. The combing operations cover a large area including Malur, Mattannur, Iritti, Thillankery and Muzhakkunnu areas.

The police have also kept under surveillance the phone numbers of suspects.

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