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Last Updated Saturday November 21 2020 03:48 AM IST

20 kg of gold stolen from Chalakudy jewelry store

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Edassery jewelry The employees, who had locked the Edassery jewelry store Saturday evening, noticed the heist when they opened the showroom Monday morning. Photo: Screengrab

Thrissur: In a major heist, about 20 kg of gold was stolen from a jewelry store in Chalakudy town.

The employees, who had locked the Edassery jewelry store Saturday evening, noticed the heist when they opened the showroom Monday morning. The robbery could have happened anytime between Saturday evening and Monday morning.

The miscreants had reportedly drilled a hole into the wall of the shop and then broke the locker using gas cutter.

However, as CCTV cameras were not installed at the jewelry store, it would be difficult to locate the robbers, sources said. The forensic experts are examining the spot.

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