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Last Updated Saturday November 21 2020 05:43 PM IST

Keralite baby boy born mid-flight hale and hearty

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Keralite baby boy born mid-flight hale and hearty Thodupuzha native Sissymol with her baby boy at Mumbai hospital.

Mumbai: A Keralite baby boy who was born at an altitude of 35,000 feet on a Kochi-bound Jet Airways flight was healthy and doing well, authorities at Holy Spirit Hospital here have said.

Thodupuzha native Sissymol went into labor prematurely on Sunday, while on the flight from Dammam in Saudi Arabia. The woman was flying alone. The plane crew and a woman passenger, who was also a nurse, had helped in the delivery.

Keralite baby born mid-air on Jet Airways' flight, gets free tickets for life

A medical emergency was declared and the plane was diverted to the nearest airport, Mumbai.

The woman is also reportedly doing well and her relatives from Thodupuzha have reached Mumbai. The baby boy, who weighed around 2.25 kg, is under observation at the children's ICU.

Jet Airways had announced that the child would get a free lifetime pass on the airline.

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