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Last Updated Monday November 23 2020 09:35 AM IST

Malayalam filmmaker Jayasurya alleges manhandling by police

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sl-jayasurya SL Puram Jayasurya

Alappuzha: Malayalam filmmaker SL Puram Jayasurya was allegedly manhandled by a civil police officer Thursday. The incident took place at Aroor junction when he was on the way to Guruvayur along with his family.

The director was waiting for the green signal at the junction when a truck collided with his car. Following this, he moved his car to the front and rammed a bike. The policeman who watched the incident then opened

Jayasurya's car and assaulted him. Jayasurya sought medical treatment from Cherthala Taluk Hospital.

Jayasurya directed Dileep-starrer 'Speed Track' and 'Angel John' which featured Mohanlal in the lead.  

He is the son of eminent writer-theater person S.L. Puram Sadanandan.

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