Bengaluru: A special investigation team of the Karnataka Police has arrested Kannur native Aarav, the prime suspect in the murder of Assam native vlogger Maya Gogoi. As per reports, he was arrested from a North Indian city and will be brought to Bengaluru on Friday night.

Gogoi (19) was found stabbed to death in a service apartment at Indira Nagar on November 26. Suspicion fell on Aarav as he went missing after the incident came to light.


The SIT conducted extensive searches, including in Kannur, to apprehend the suspect. During the investigation, the team gathered CCTV footage of Aarav arriving at the Majestic railway station. 

Bengaluru police had stated that the suspect had been staying at the service apartment with Gogoi for three days. CCTV footage from the apartment showed the woman and the suspect arriving together on November 23. 


A senior police officer, citing initial investigations, said the suspect allegedly stayed in the apartment for an entire day following the murder.