Rahul Gandhi in Texas: Indian politics lacks love, respect, and humility

rahul gandhi
LoP in Lok Sabha and Congress MP Rahul Gandhi during an interaction at the University of Texas, USA, Monday, Sept 9, 2024. Photo: PTI

Washington: Love, respect, and humility are missing in Indian politics, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said in his address to the Indian American community in Texas. He also criticised the RSS for believing that India is "one idea."

Gandhi made the remarks on Sunday in Dallas during his first interaction with the Indian diaspora after becoming Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha this summer. "RSS believes that India is one idea. We believe that India is a multiplicity of ideas. Very much like the United States, we believe everybody should be allowed to participate. We believe that everybody should be allowed to dream, (and) everybody should be given space, regardless of their caste, language, religion, tradition, history, he said.

This is the fight. The fight crystallised in the election when millions of people in India clearly understood that the Prime Minister of India was attacking the Constitution of India. Because what I am saying to you is the union of states, respect to languages, respect to religions, respect to traditions, respect to caste. This is all in the Constitution, Gandhi added.

In his address, Gandhi said his role was to inject values of love, respect and humility into Indian politics. I think what is missing in our political systems and across parties is love, respect and humility. Love to all human beings, not necessarily only people of one religion, one community, one caste, one State, or to those who speak one language.

"Respect to everybody who is trying to build an India, not just the most powerful, but the weakest and humility, not in others, but in oneself. I think that is how I see my own, he added. Making an indirect reference to the Lok Sabha results in which the BJP failed to get a majority on its own.

"The people were saying the BJP is attacking our tradition, attacking our language, etc. What they understood was that anybody who is attacking the Constitution of India is also attacking our religious tradition," Gandhi said.

''We saw that immediately, within minutes of the election result, nobody in India was scared of the BJP, of the Prime Minister. These are huge achievements. These are huge achievements of the people of India who realised democracy, of the people of India who realised that we are not going to accept an attack on our Constitution. We're not going to accept an attack on our religion. We're not going to accept an attack on our States,'' he added.

Asserting that the US needs India and vice versa, Gandhi said the Indian diaspora is a "bridge" between the two nations. "In my view, you should travel freely between these two homes. You should bring the idea of India to the United States and the ideas of the United States to India, Gandhi said in his remarks. You have a very important role because the relationship between these two unions is going to determine the future of both countries, he said.

Unemployment in India, West linked to China's global production lead
During an interaction at the University of Texas, Dallas, Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi highlighted the unemployment issues faced by India, the US, and other Western nations, attributing them to the shift of global production to China.

He stressed the need for India to focus on manufacturing, vocational training, and bridging the gap between education and business to compete with China's dominance in global production. Gandhi warned that neglecting manufacturing could lead to severe unemployment and social problems while emphasising that India has the necessary skills but lacks respect for skilled workers.

Adding to this, he drew a parallel with the story of Eklavya, saying, "If you want to understand what is happening in India, it is millions and millions of Eklavya stories every single day. People with skills are being sidelined, they are not being allowed to operate or thrive, and this is happening everywhere." Gandhi reiterated that India does not have a skills problem, but rather a lack of respect for skilled individuals.

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