Indian textiles sector faces uncertainty amid Bangladesh turmoil, says Nirmala Sitharaman

Nirmala Sitharaman. Photo: PTI

New Delhi: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Saturday said that there was some uncertainty in India’s textiles and garments sector following the political turmoil in Bangladesh but it was too early to say what the overall impact on the economy would be.

She said that Indian businessmen have made investments in Bangladesh in good faith and these resulted in increasing exports and creating more jobs in Bangladesh. “I hope these investments which have benefited Bangladesh remain safe,” she remarked.

India has a policy of allowing liberal imports from low-income countries and this has also helped to spur growth in the Bangladesh economy, she added. “I hope the new regime in Bangladesh will settle the problem sooner rather than later so that the people of Bangladesh and India can get back to their normal situation,” the Finance Minister said. She also said that the External Affairs Minister has made a statement in Parliament that India has stepped up its security along the Bangladesh border.

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