Hathras (UP): The Uttar Pradesh police on Thursday have arrested six volunteers, including two women, linked to the Hathras stampede that killed 121 people. The sole accused named in the FIR is at large, while senior officer indicated that preacher Surajpal alias Narayan Sakar Hari alias Bhole Baba will be questioned as part of the ongoing investigation.

"All six persons who have been arrested worked as volunteers at the 'satsang'," Inspector General of Police (Aligarh Range) Shalabh Mathur told reporters here. Dev Prakash Madhukar has been identified as the primary suspect in the FIR. The police have announced a reward of Rs 1 lakh for any information on Madhukar. A non-bailable warrant (NBW) will also be issued, Mathur added.


The preacher Surajpal was not mentioned as accused in the FIR lodged at the local Sikandra Rau police station on Tuesday after the stampede at Phulrai village that left 121 people dead in its wake.
(With PTI Inputs)