New Delhi: In a bid to revive the CPM's image after the poll drubbing in the recent Lok Sabha elections, the central committee has decided to initiate efforts to connect with the people. The directive emphasised eliminating any hostility towards the party, citing concerns that religious and communal organisations are actively opposing the CPM.

However, while this opposition is significant, it is not the sole reason for the defeat; the party has also seen a loss of support from key segments of the population. The central committee has identified multiple factors contributing to the defeat and believes that reclaiming communist ideals could help regain support.


Central leaders will engage in state-level leadership meetings to analyse the reasons behind the defeat. The central leadership is expected to formulate and issue guidelines for necessary adjustments. These directives include investigating the underlying causes of anti-incumbency sentiment. In the committee meeting, K K Shailaja acknowledged the prevalent anti-incumbency sentiment.

Despite arguments from the state unit suggesting that the national alliance with Congress adversely affected the party in Kerala, the majority of central committee members dismissed this view. The Bengal unit strongly supported the Congress alliance during the discussion.