Remove 'Modi Ka Parivar' from social media handles: PM tells supporters

Even senior BJP leaders suffixed 'Modi Ka Parivar' to their social media handles. Photo: PTI/Screenshot

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has appealed to his supporters to remove 'Modi Ka Parivar' that was suffixed to their social media handles since March.
"Through the election campaign, people across India added 'Modi Ka Parivar' to their social media as a mark of affection towards me. I derived a lot of strength from it.

"With the message of all of us being one family having been effectively conveyed, I would once again thank the people of India and request that you may now remove 'Modi Ka Parivar' from your social media properties. The display name may change, but our bond as one Parivar striving for India's progress remains strong and unbroken," Modi posted on X, also called Twitter.

BJP leaders and activists started the trend of suffixing 'Modi Ka Parivar' to their social media handles in March following Modi's response to a comment from Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad Yadav at a public event.

While countering Modi's frequent remarks about nepotism, Yadav said: "Hey man, why don't you have a family? Say, why you don't have children." In his response, at another public meeting, Modi said: "When I question them about nepotism, they say I don't have a family.. 140 crore citizens are my family."

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