Hyderabad: Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) sleuths in Telangana on Wednesday allegedly found cash of Rs 40 lakh and properties and other valuables worth Rs 100 crore during searches on the premises linked to a town planning official here.

ACB sources said 14 teams conducted searches on premises linked to S Balakrishna, Secretary, Telangana State Real Estate Regulatory Authority (TSRERA), and Planning Officer in Metro Rail. He earlier worked as the director of town planning in the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA).


The exercise is likely to continue on Thursday also. Though the family members of the concerned official did not cooperate, the ACB sleuths unearthed properties worth Rs 100 crore.

About Rs 40 lakh cash, 2 kg gold, documents of movable and immovable assets, 60 expensive wrist watches, 14 mobile phones and 10 laptops have been seized so far. The official’s bank lockers are yet to be opened. The ACB has identified lockers in at least four banks. The ACB officials have reportedly found cash counting machines at the residence of the official.


He had allegedly amassed wealth ever since he served in the HMDA. The continued searches are likely to unearth more assets.
(With PTI, IANS inputs.)