Chennai: The Madras High Court on Thursday dismissed the bail petition of Tamil Nadu Minister V Senthil Balaji, who was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate in connection with a money laundering case. Justice G Jayachandran dismissed the bail petition of Senthil Balaji observing that Balaji may likely tamper with the witnesses as he is holding the post of a minister in the state cabinet without a portfolio. The judge also noted that the minister's brother is still absconding in the case.

His counsel requested the court to grant bail to him as he is yet to recover fully after the bypass surgery and need to take further treatment. 


Balaji was arrested on June 14 by the ED in connection with a money laundering case linked to a cash-for-jobs scam when he was the Transport Minister during the earlier AIADMK regime.

Soon after his arrest, Balaji underwent a bypass surgery at a private hospital. After treatment, the ED took him into its custody for interrogation and on completion of interrogation, he was sent to Judicial Custody by a local court, and thereafter his remand was extended. He is currently in judicial custody.


(with PTI inputs)