Pune: India has got its first Dalit cardinal with the elevation of Rev Anthony Poola, the Archbishop of Hyderabad by Pope Francis on Sunday.

The pope announced that 21 churchmen, including two from India, will be anointed as cardinals at a ceremony at the Vatican later.


Besides, Rev Poola, Filipe Neri Antonio Sebastao di Rosario Ferrao, Archbishop of Goa and Daman is part of the list.

Rev Anthony Poola born on November 1961 was ordained a priest on February 20, 1992. He had been installed as he Archbishop of Hyderabad on January 3, 2021.


Rev Poola has in the past spoken about how in his childhood caste-minded people had meted out ill-treatment on Dalits.

The late Rev John Molagada was the first Dalit Bishop in India. He had been appointed the Bishop of Eluru Diocese on May 5, 1977. According to Matter India, there are at least 12 Dalit Bishops in the country.


As per the Papal announcement, among the churchmen set to receive the prestigious red hat will be two prelates from India and one each from Mongolia, Ghana, Nigeria, Singapore, East Timor, Paraguay, and Brazil.

The Pope said he will conduct the consistory, as the ceremony to elevate churchmen to cardinal's rank is known, on August 27.
(With PTI inputs)

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