Actor-turned-politician Khushbu Sundar was detained by the police on Tuesday while on her way to Chidambaram to participate in a protest against VCK leader Thirumavalavan's alleged remark on Manusmriti, the ancient book of laws, which is considered to be a code of conduct for Hindu society.

The government had earlier denied permission for the strike.

“When your journey is cut short by force, you know you are on right track. I question AIADMK leaders, why are we denied of our democratic right for a peaceful protest when other parties are given permission to do the same? Why this partiality?,” Khusbhu tweeted.

Thirumavalavan is denying that he ridiculed women.


"While my full speech was urging the government to ban Manusmriti for it demeans women, Dalits, underprivileged women and indigenous people, a clip circulating on social media - a portion of my full speech - has my message distorted...," Thirumavalavan said.

"The Hindutva groups are circulating the false message against me," he added.

Earlier, Khusbhu tweeted saying that she will fight for the dignity of women. “We will never bow down to the atrocities of a few elements out there. BHARAT MATA KI JAI,” Khushbu said.

BJP National Executive Member and former State President CP Radhakrishnan condemned the arrest of Khushbu and other party members. He pointed out that this peaceful protest was against Thirumavalavan who is facing a huge public backlash for his speech ridiculing women.


BJP Karnataka Minister CT Ravi too condemned the attack. "I strongly condemn the preventive arrest of Khushbu Sundar. Civilized society cannot accept statements insulting our women. Denigration of Hindus by petty politicians is not acceptable," Ravi tweeted.

Khushbu was recently in the headlines after she quit Congress and joined the Bharatiya Janata Party citing her former party's indifference and constant attempts to dictate terms and suppress her.

Speaking to reporters at the joining ceremony, the former actor from Tamil Nadu said she had come to the understanding over a period of time that if the nation has to move forward, then someone like Prime Minister Narendra Modi is needed to take the country "in the right direction and to its glory".

Her induction to BJP is certain to be a big boost for the party as Tamil Nadu heads for Assembly polls in the first half of 2021. The BJP has long been a marginal force in the southern state where two Dravidian parties, the AIADMK and the DMK, have been the main contenders for power.

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