Delhi's own mufflerman Arvind Kejriwal registered a massive victory at the Delhi Assembly Polls on Tuesday, trampling both BJP and Congress. Yet, the star of Twitter is not the two-time Chief Minister, but a cute tiny tot. Social media is abuzz with the snaps of the child sporting Kejriwal's signature muffler wrap and AAP topi at the party headquarters in New Delhi's Rose Avenue.

Snapped by a PTI photographer, the little one in a maroon sweater and thick-rimmed spectacles became the face of Aam Admi Party's election victory. With a charcoal drawn moustache, the two-year-old is winning many hearts.

The Aam Aadmi Party's official twitter handle also posted a photo of the chubby cheeked child captioning it “mufflerman”.

Lil 'mufflerman' goes viral on social media after Kejriwal retains Delhi
Aam Aadmi Party workers hold a young boy dressed as AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal as they celebrate party's victory in the Delhi Assembly polls, at party headquarters in New Delhi, Tuesday. Photo: PTI

Here are a few other photos of the mini-CM that will make you say wow.

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