Now call 112 for help in any emergency

Now call 112 for help in any emergency

New Delhi: A pan-India network of single emergency helpline number, 112 – where any immediate assistance can be sought by people in need – has been launched. This has come to effect in 16 states, including Kerala, and Union Territories across India as part of a unified emergency number like ‘911’ in the United States.

The Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) is an integration of police (100), fire (101), health (108) and women (1090) helpline numbers to provide emergency services through the single number '112'.

Pressing the power button thrice on smart phones and pressing down either 5 or 9 for a few seconds on other cell phones will activate the call. The service will be available only in five districts for now – Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Kozhikode, Thrissur and Kollam. The current helpline numbers will continue in other parts of the state until 112 comes into effect, said the police.

To access the emergency services, a person can dial 112 from phone or press power button on smart phone 3 time quickly to activate panic call to Emergency Response Centre (ERC). In case of normal phone, long press of '5 or '9' key on the phone will activate the panic call, a home ministry official said.

People can also log onto ERSS website for the state and lodge emergency Email or send SOS alert to state ERC. They can use '112' India mobile app, which is available free on Google Playstore and Apple store.

Along with Kerala, the single emergency number '112' came into effect in states including Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

Under the Union Home Ministry sponsored project, the states will have to set up a dedicated ERC. The ERC will have a team of trained call-takers and dispatchers to handle emergency requests relating to assistance from police, fire and rescue, health and other emergency services.

Police can view all events after an emergency call is made at the ERC. The ERCs are connected to district command centres (DCC) and the emergency response vehicles and assistance/response to victims are facilitated through them, another official said.

The ERSS is designed to be a common protocol managed by each state and UT. The ERSS provides a 112 India mobile app.

For women and children, 112 India app provides a special 'SHOUT' feature which alerts registered volunteers in the vicinity of victim for immediate assistance.

The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) has been designated as the total service provider by the home ministry for the project. The C-DAC has developed complete ERSS solutions for state and UTs and is also supporting states and UTs in setting up the ERSS.

The central government is providing Rs 321.69 crore to the states and UTs for the ERSS as part of the Nirbhaya scheme.

The service has already been launched in Himachal Pradesh and Nagaland.  

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