The errors that have crept into your driving licence can now be rectified online. The errors that could be rectified online include spelling mistakes in your name, spelling mistakes in your father's or husband’s name, errors in date of birth, and residential address.

How to make the changes
Visit the https// website
Click on the DL Services (Replace of DL/others) menu
Enter the licence number in the new format (eg., KL 13 2006000XXXX)
Provide your date of birth and click on the 'confirm' button
If the details shown on the screen are yours, select 'yes'
Select the state and RTO in your driving licence and press 'proceed'
Provide your mobile number, email id, gender and qualifications
Provide your permanent address and the present address (you need to enter the permanent\present address in your driving licence, not the latest ones)
After that, press 'confirm'
Select what changes you need to make in your date of birth, name, address and then 'proceed'
The fee for the service needs to be paid online
For a single service, the fee payable is Rs 505
The fee is Rs 260 for every service after that


You need to scan and upload required documents, including:
Birth certificate
• School certificate
Aadhaar card
If you need to change errors in your name or date of birth, you may have to visit the RTO. You can choose the time for the same online.

Info source: Motor Vehicles Department

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