Royal Enfield is now targeting the small bike segment. The company is planning to launch smaller capacity 250 cc motorcycles to increase its market share in the two-wheeler segment.

According to reports, the company has already filed trademark applications for names such as Sherpa and Hunter for these bikes which could be powered by lower displacement version of the Himalayan engine.


Apart from the multi-purpose bike Hunter, Enfield could launch another small bike. Though the company has not made any official announcements, the 250 cc bikes could be launched this year itself.

The new bikes could hit the market after the BS 6 versions of existing bikes from its line-up are launched. Though the name Hunter is new, Enfield had brought out a 173 cc bike named Sherpa in 1960s.


In 1950s and 1960s, Royal Enfield had 250 cc motorcycles in the UK market. Known as Mini Bullet, the bike available in India then had a 250 cc engine. The company believes that the 250 cc bikes could become popular in the market given the changing demand dynamics. The price could start from Rs 1 lakh.

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