All new vehicles that are registered from April 1 will have to come with pre-fitted high security registration plates.

When the vehicle is registered, the motor vehicles department will provide the number and the dealer will have the responsibility of fixing the number plate.

The vehicle manufacturer can approach a recognised company to make the number plates. A sticker with details of registration number, engine and chassis numbers will be affixed on the front windshield. It is not possible to make any changes to this. It has been made in such a way that if someone tries to tamper with it, it will get damaged.

If the windshield needs to be replaced, the owner will have to approach a recognised service centre for a new sticker.

Usually, number plates are fixed using screws. But the new number plates will use rivets, which can only be used once. The chromium-based hologram sticker applied by hot stamping is another highlight of the new number plate. The idea is to ensure nationwide uniformity in licence plates.

The number plates will be available only if the owner produces original documents of the vehicle. The high security registration plates are not a must for old vehicles. But those interested can go for it.

The government brought in an amendment in 2001 to change the number plates. But its implementation was not a success; it could only be introduced in a few states. Though tenders were floated several times, fights between bidders scuttled the awarding of the tender. Currently, when states buy number plates on their own, different places had different types of number plates. But the new number plates will bring uniformity across the country.

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