What is positive parenting? How it ensures children's physical, mental well-being

Create a safe space for children to openly share their thoughts and feelings with their parents. Representative image: monkeybusinessimages/iStock

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to develop a sound mind and a healthy body, which in turn ensures the evolution of able and efficient citizens. Children learn a healthy lifestyle primarily from their families. While friends, teachers, and the media can influence children, the habits learned within the family truly shape them throughout their lives. It's crucial to instil healthy lifestyle choices, especially dietary habits, from an early age. These habits, when ingrained early on, are more likely to be maintained into adulthood.

Establish a Routine:
Get children accustomed to sleeping and waking up early. Cut off all digital screens like TV and mobile phones two hours before bedtime. Read bedtime stories to them. Give children age-appropriate chores and responsibilities. They need to understand that a family functions as a team. Sharing responsibilities and chores teaches them the importance of cooperation.

Managing stress:
Explain to children that everyone, including adults and kids, experiences stress. Teach them that stress is a part of life and that they can learn to cope with stressful situations. Engage in activities like meditation and yoga together as a family.

Open Communication:
Create a safe space for children to openly share their thoughts and feelings with their parents. Listen patiently and address their concerns with composure. Help them understand that their family is their constant support system, no matter what. This understanding helps children cope with stress effectively.

Physical Activity:
Encourage children to participate in sports like cricket, football, or cycling that they enjoy. Family members exercising together can create fun and bonding.

Be a role model for healthy eating habits:
All members in the family should prioritize a healthy diet. Remember, adults need to set an example when it comes to healthy eating. It's counterproductive to indulge in junk food while expecting children to eat healthy. Avoid giving unhealthy food as rewards. Explain the benefits of healthy food and how it contributes to their well-being.

Stock healthy options:
Always have nutritious food readily available at home. Instead of sweets and bakery items, keep a stock of fruits. Encourage children to eat more fruits and vegetables. Store them visibly in the refrigerator.

Dairy and alternatives:
Include low-fat yogurt, milk, and cheese in their diet. Opt for unprocessed cheese, as it's healthier. Prepare dishes with these ingredients. Processed cheese often contains unhealthy additives.

Cook and eat together:
Involve the entire family in cooking. Experiment with new healthy recipes together. Make it a habit to eat together at least once a day. Minimize eating out, as it's not only expensive but also often unhealthy.

Nurture positive relationships:
Remember that the relationship between parents significantly influences children. Couples should strive to maintain a positive outlook and approach towards each other. Spending quality time together strengthens the bond. Make time to express appreciation and affection for each other.

Ensure quality family time:
Dedicate time for quality family interactions, keeping mobile phones and other gadgets aside. Utilize this time for conversations and engaging in activities together. Establish family rituals involving activities that foster values and personal growth in children. Dedicate time each day, week, and month for family activities. Spend time in nature, go for walks, and plan trips together. 

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