Male fertility: These foods may harm your chance of having a baby

Men need to eat mindfully for good sperm health. Photo: dmonkeybusinessimages/iStock

Many research studies have shown that food directly affects male fertility. Some foods must be avoided or consumed in moderation if couples are trying to conceive. These are some of the food items men need to eat mindfully to ensure sperm health.
Processed meat and fast food
These food items contain higher rates of trans fat, preservatives, and sodium, which could affect sperm quality. Fast food may also lead to inflammation, reducing sperm density and adversely affecting sperm motility. Eating processed red meat and fast food regularly will reduce sperm production. These meats contain unhealthy fat and hormones that would affect spermatogenesis. Male fertility would be improved if such food items were completely avoided or consumed moderately.

High-fat milk products
Full-fat milk and some types of butter may reduce testosterone levels. Meanwhile, a high intake of saturated fats may lead to hormone imbalance, affecting sperm count and fertility.
Mercury toxicity in fish
Tuna and sharks contain mercury, which could damage sperm DNA. Therefore, it is better to avoid fish containing mercury to ensure sperm health.

Alcohol addiction
Alcohol addiction would harm sperm production, count and motility. Those who consume alcohol could either reduce its amount or completely avoid it during their fertility journey.
Soy products
The isoflavones in soy products will reduce sperm count and may lead to hormone imbalance in men.
Consuming too much coffee or energy drinks that contain caffeine may cause low sperm count and affect its DNA. Reducing caffeine intake to just 200 mg or below is better if you want a baby. Too much caffeine could lead to DNA damage, poor quality of sperm and its motility. Men who are trying to improve their fertility should avoid caffeinated drinks too.

Sugary drinks
Soft drinks loaded with sugar will reduce the quality of sperm. Regularly consuming such beverages will also lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, causing low sperm count and motility. Meanwhile, artificial sweetening agents like aspartame and saccharine may cause oxidative stress and damage the sperm's DNA, reducing its quality. Besides avoiding these food items, leading a healthy lifestyle is significant for improving fertility in men. A well-balanced diet containing protein and nutrients will ensure good sperm health. Moreover, avoiding processed food, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks will improve sperm quality. 

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