Cooling film is permissible on vehicles, says Kerala High Court: Why should it be used?

Safety glazing providing at least 70% VLT on the windscreen and rear window and 50% VLT on the side windows is permissible. Photo: iStock/oatawa

The Kerala High Court recently ruled that car windscreens or window glasses can be maintained with safety glazing, aka cooling film, a safety glass that meets a certain standard. Those using them can't be penalised either from now on. Earlier, motor vehicle officials used to impose fines for the same. The court said that safety glazing is permitted under an amendment to Rule 100 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, effective from April 1, 2021. The glazing should fall within the designated Visual Light Transmission (VLT) percentage. Materials providing at least 70% VLT on the windscreen and rear window, and 50% VLT on the side windows are allowed.

The health benefits of using these materials are as follows: 
1) Reduced heat
Compared to the absence of any kind of tinting, using 70% VLT films can provide a significant amount of relief from heat while inside vehicles. It can also provide a certain level of protection from UV rays and protect your skin and the interiors of your vehicles. 
2) Good visibility
The film lets light pass through and helps the driver with good visibility. There would be enhanced clarity, reduced glare without compromising vision, proper nighttime visibility, balanced light transmission, and consistent vision. All of this helps reduce strain on the eyes. 
3) Beneficial for drivers with glasses
If the vehicle is fitted with these films, those who wear glasses will find it easier to read road signs and signals and spot other important visual cues. 

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