Can certain foods increase the risk of Alzheimer’s? Know more

alzheimer's caregiver
Proper attention to mental and physical well-being of caregivers of Alzheimer’s patient is a must. Representative image: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock

A recent research report published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease suggests that the food we eat could significantly influence the risk of Alzheimer’s. While vegetarian dishes, Mediterranean cuisine, and the traditional cuisines of China, Japan, and India lower the risk of Alzheimer’s, Western food habits could increase the risk. Meanwhile, the report warns that the number of Alzheimer’s cases could skyrocket in countries like India, where Western food has become increasingly popular.

Food items to be avoided
Researchers observed that preserved foods like saturated fat, meat, hamburgers, barbecue, and hot dogs, as well as refined sugar and grains, could increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. Consuming preserved meat increases swelling and causes insulin resistance and oxidative stress, raising the chances of Alzheimer’s. Besides, these food items may lead to obesity and diabetes, which further increases the possibility of Alzheimer’s.
The report pointed out that such preserved food items are mostly consumed by poor people in the US, making them susceptible to the disease. Besides, the report predicts that by 2038, Alzheimer’s will increase by fifty per cent among the American population.

Include these foods to stay healthy and active
Green leafy vegetables, fruits and vegetables in varied colours, pulses, nuts, fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids, and whole grains reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. The report suggests avoiding an idle lifestyle and following a balanced diet and active social life to avoid the disease. 

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