Chandipura virus: How to ward off the carrier female phlebotomine sandfly from your premises?

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It looks like just another regular insect, but did you know that the presence of a female phlebotomine sandfly on your premises can be dangerous to children? The disease has caused around 16 deaths already in India this year. The small, yellowish-grey blood-feeding insect with a V-shaped wing, slender antennae and nocturnal habits are abundant in the monsoon season, especially in urban and forest areas of central India. They are notorious for being the vectors of various diseases, including the Chandipura virus. They lay eggs in crevices, organic matter and similar moist environments. Chandipura infection leads to encephalitis or the swelling and inflammation of brain tissues. Fever, vomiting, altered mental state, diarrhoea, convulsions and meningeal irritation are a few of its symptoms.
How to control sandflies?
According to the guidelines issued by the various state governments, taking steps to ensure that you don't get exposed to sandfly bites can go a long way in ensuring safety against the disease. The detailed guidelines are as follows:
1) Control the sandfly population by spraying insecticides at all possible moist breeding grounds.
2) Wear full-sleeved clothes, long pants and socks both while outside and inside your homes, especially in the evenings and nights.
3) On the exposed skin, use insect-repellant sprays, gels or creams to avoid bites.
4) Keep your surroundings clean, and ensure there are no possible breeding grounds in the locality - especially standing waters.
5) Use fine mesh screens on doors and windows to avoid their entry into homes
6) While sleeping, make sure you use mosquito nets.
7) If you suspect the flies hide in any of the surrounding areas despite precautions taken, coordinate with local health authorities to implement broader controls for sanitation.