H1N1 deaths in Kerala: How to stay safe?

In 2009, the World Health Organisation declared N1H1 a pandemic. Photo: Manorama

Eighteen people lost their lives this year in Kerala so far, due to swine flu aka H1N1. A seasonal disease that enters our body due to contact with contaminated surfaces and weak immune systems, it spreads through the air when someone with the virus breathes, talks, coughs or sneezes, according to the Mayo Clinic. In 2009, the World Health Organisation declared it a pandemic. If you want to stay safe from the disease, here's what you should know:

Symptoms of H1NI
The symptoms of H1N1 are similar to those of other flu viruses. The usual initial symptoms, according to Mayo Clinic are:
1) Fever
2) Muscle pain
3) Sweats, chills
4) Cough
5) Sore throat
6) Runny, stuffy nose
7) Red or watery eyes

8) Pain in the eyes
9) Body aches
10) Headaches
11) Fatigue
12) Diarrhoea
13) Tummy aches
14) Vomiting

The emergency symptoms can be
1) Shortness of breath
2) Chest pain
3) Dehydration, difficulty in urination
4) Continued dizziness
5) Seizure
6) Severe body aches

How to prevent H1NI?
1) Those aged six months and above should take annual flu vaccinations
2) Those aged between 2 and 49 can take nasal spray. Pregnant people and those with weak immune systems should avoid it.
3) Wash your hands often
4) Hold a tissue when you sneeze, and wash your hands soon after. 
5) Don't touch your mouth, nose and eyes, especially if you have a fever and cold.
6) Regularly clean your living area's surfaces
7) Avoid contact with those who are unwell

A few common FAQ questions on H1N1
Incubation period of H1N1
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the H1N1 incubation period is about 2 days but can range from 1 to 4 days. 
Can H1N1 spread from person to person?
Yes, it is a contagious disease.
How swine flu spreads in humans?
When droplets from an infected person get dispersed into the air, via cough or sneeze, they can infect those nearby. Hands contaminated by the virus can also spread it further. 
Which animal spreads H1N1?
Swine flu is caused by a type of influenza A virus that typically affects pigs. However, human infections generally happen due to direct or indirect exposure to infected people and not because of exposure to infected pigs. While pigs can be infected with H1N1 influenza, they are not considered a primary source of transmission to humans.
Swine flu recovery period
Most people recover from it without major medical care in about seven days, by taking prescribed medications. Severe cases call for medical interventions. 

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