US President Joe Biden's occasional memory loss: Is it a sign of dementia? Doctor explains

US President Joe Biden. Photo: Reuters

American President Joe Biden mistakenly referring to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as Russian President Vladimir Putin had gone viral recently. He corrected himself after the error at the NATO summit, but this wasn't the first time he committed such major verbal slips-ups. The oldest president in the US often gets called out for such errors and many even wanted him to avoid running for the next election, quoting his forgetfulness. However, does such verbal gaffes mean one is suffering from dementia? Dr Arun B Nair, Professor at the Department of Psychiatry at Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, explains:
Is it dementia?
It is common for everyone to forget things or experience difficulty in recalling names or information. When you do lots of things or need to concentrate on multiple tasks, some of them may not get easily registered in the brain. You may even find it difficult to recall some things quickly. However, it may come back to you when you relax and take some time to recall them. So, there is no need to be scared of such small or temporary bouts of forgetfulness.

Memory and concentration
Lack of sleep may affect our attention and concentration abilities, making it difficult to retrieve information that has been stored in our brains. There are three main processes or components of memory – encoding, storage and retrieval. Due to a lack of concentration or short attention spans, our brain may find it difficult to properly receive new information. So, it is hard to store such information in the brain and retrieve it whenever required.
Treatment is possible
Poor nutrition, imbalance in the mineral levels in the body and dropping of thyroid hormones may lead to memory loss. Those who suffer from depression too may experience forgetfulness. However, none of these may be a symptom of dementia or permanent memory loss. Your memory too improves when you seek treatment for such physical or mental conditions.

Sleep is important
Whatever we read, learn or understand gets registered in the brain during sleep at night. So, ensuring an uninterrupted good night’s sleep is important to improve your memory. Information gets properly registered in the brain if you can get at least six hours of uninterrupted deep sleep.
Stress and anxiety too may cause temporary memory loss. It may be difficult for the brain to receive or store new information when your mind is stressed. Trying to relax your mind by practising relaxation techniques like lighter exercises or meditation may be helpful.

Lack of sleep may affect our attention and concentration abilities, making it difficult to retrieve information that has been stored in our brains. Photo: Shutterstock

Alcohol and memory loss
Alcohol addiction is another major reason for forgetfulness. Those who consume alcohol regularly may have a deficiency of a vitamin called thiamine, which is essential for the proper functioning of the brain. However, your memory may improve if you receive this vitamin through injections or pills.
Most people wonder whether memory diminishes with age. Some cells in the brain may indeed shrink as you get older. However, it is possible to fight this to a certain extent by following a healthy lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet, regular workouts as well as healthy sleep patterns.

Exercise to improve memory
Exposure to sunlight and exercising for at least half an hour keeps you sharp and healthy.
1) Those who workout regularly may have increased dopamine levels in their brain. Dopamine helps in improving attention and concentration.
2) Exercising enhances the endorphin level in the brain, keeping you happy and relaxed.
3) Exercising under the sun raises the vitamin D levels which boosts the brain’s ability to process information.
4) Working out daily improves the blood supply to the brain, making you energetic and spirited and reduces the chances of memory loss.

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